When I was a kid, I used to enjoy going places with my loving grandparents. My grandmother often took me grocery shopping with her. My grandfather occasionally drove me to a nearby town in order to buy me a delicious, sweet treat. Do you want to make more amazing memories with the kids in your life? Perhaps you’re a busy, working parent or a retired grandparent. Consider regularly taking your kids or grandkids to a local bakery. You and the little ones in your life will likely have a blast while indulging in cookies, cakes, pies, or brownies. You might even want to order extra sweet treats to take home with you. On this blog, I hope you will discover how visiting a bakery with children can be a wonderful experience. Enjoy!
29 May 2018
Have you realized that when you go into your kitchen pantry and when you look into your refrigerator there seems to be plenty to eat, but you just don't have a handle on putting together a great meal? Maybe you've been cooking for kids who are picky eaters, and now you and your spouse are empty nesters, wanting to get back to eating the great foods you used to eat right in your own home.
27 January 2017
If you follow football, then you are likely looking ahead to the Super Bowl. Make this something special with your own game-day party or get-together. Enjoy watching the game while snacking on some fairly simple and flavorful munchies that will have your friends coming back for more. Some tasty game-time treats include: Hearty sandwiches. Try making your favorite filling, and using potato buns for a hearty and satisfying sandwich. Potato bread or buns are soft, dense, and delicious, and can be filled with a wide range of fillings and cold-cuts; plus, there is no need to toast them, as the soft-texture is part of the allure.